Water Safety Speaker 

Available for Interviews and Presentations On Water Safety And Childhood Drowning Prevention

I'm Dayna Harvey, and I'm passionate about empowering families with lifesaving strategies to keep kids safe around water.

As a water safety expert and a certified swimming instructor for over 35 years, I have made eradicating childhood drowning my life’s work. 

My Watch-Wait-Swim Water Safety Method empowers families with proactive strategies and simple tools that fit easily into everyday routines. In addition to sharing free resources, I offer live swim instruction in Roanoke, Virginia, and have created the Waiting Whales Water Safety Kit, designed to teach kids the lifesaving lesson “Where there is water I will WAIT!”

Through multiple road trips across the United States, I’ve been grateful to put water safety information directly into the hands of hundreds of daycares, early childhood learning centers, and specialized learning programs. I have also been featured in national and international outlets as I work to turn the tide on childhood drowning. 

If you're looking for a compassionate expert to speak with your community about water safety and childhood drowning prevention, please use the form on this page to reach out.